Skopje, 27th February 2013 (MIA) – There is no reason for crediting requirements to be tightened. General conditions on the European market are almost identical as at the end of last year, hence we do not expect for any need to arise in practice for crediting requirements to be tightened.

This is what Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, said today answering journalist’s question whether the announcement made by the banks for tightening the crediting requirements was a bad signal for the economy at the end of the first quarter.

– We should strive for, as well as the banks in such circumstances, not to make the requirements for the citizens and the business sector stricter, since times are difficult for all and each and everyone should bear its part of the burden. My personal expectations are that the banks will not make the requirement stricter or tighter, Stavreski said.

Asked by a journalist whether capital investments were being realized according to the envisaged dynamics and level of growth of the economy expected in the first quarter, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance underlined that it was still early to talk about the growth of the economy in the first quarter. However, he underlined that we should wait for two-three months so as to have some data, for the industrial production at least, to talk about other indicators.

– What I can say is that the capital investments program is an ambitious one and it includes realization of several major projects. With the start of the construction season, works related to construction of Corridor 10, Demir Kapija – Smokvica section, will intensify in the second quarter, and I also expect for reconstruction of the railroad tracks from Kumanovo to Beljakovce to commence, as well as many other projects which are part of the road infrastructure, and reconstruction of schools and hospitals, Stavreski said.

He went on that all this would contribute to achieving better results, although, having in mind the trends in the European economy, the second half of the year should bring about better times and a possibility for higher economic growth.

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