Kocani, 9th December 2013 (MIA) – Interest in the prize game “Fiscal receipt in hand, rewards without hassle " is large and I expect for it to increase from day to day, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said today.

– All people ask for fiscal receipts. Even the sellers advise the people to take fiscal receipts so as to obtain valuable prizes. I expect for this interest to increase from day to day. The first round will be on 30th December when immediately prior to the New Year’s Eve, some of the participants in this prize game will obtain, flat, shop, car and other valuable prizes, Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski said in Kocani after commissioning the two streets.

Prize game ““Fiscal receipt in hand, rewards without hassle" officially started on 1st December and it will last until the end of 2014. So as to participate therein, the citizens should collect 20 fiscal receipts and send them to the address of the State Lottery of Macedonia. The first drawing will be on 30th December, and the envelopes from the previous drawings will participate in each next round. During the prize game, three flats, three shops ad nine cars, as well as valuable vouchers from Denar 3,000 to Denar 60,000 will be awarded.

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