Skopje, 2nd May 2014 (MIA) – Construction of three highways in the country, i.e. from Miladinovci to Stip, from Kicevo to Ohrid and Corridor 10 Highway will have multiple effects on the Macedonian economy, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, said.

Positive effects will be multiple and I expect, in the coming three to four years, higher growth of the economic activity, as well as more employments in terms of engaging domestic workers. We already have 1,500 jobs directly opened, being result of the commencement of the realization of these highways. I expect, in future, thousands of  Macedonian workers to be engaged in the construction of these highways, Stavreski stated.

He went on by saying that in macroeconomic context, they will increase the level of growth of GDP by around 1% annually, having direct effect on the engagement of domestic companies as contractors or sub-contractors in the construction sector.

He underlined that Granit and Beton construction companies have already been engaged, and smaller companies will be engaged as subcontractors for performing construction works, use of construction material, supply of goods and provision of services.

Miladinovci – Stip highway, the construction of which commenced in February this year, will be 47 kilometers long, 29 meters wide, with two traffic lanes in both directions and one additional emergency stopping lane. The investment amounts to EUR 206 million, provided from the China EximBank.

Kicevo – Ohrid highway should be 57 kilometers long, 25.5 meters wide, with two traffic lanes, additional emergency stopping lane and a green area. Total value of the investment, as per the contracts, amounts to EUR 372 million. The two highway sections will be built by “Sinohydro Corporation Limited” Chinese company, which is obliged to engage at least 51% Macedonian citizens for the works.

As regards the construction of Demir Kapija – Smokvica highway section, Corridor 10, 28 kilometers long, the investment amounts to EUR 210 million.

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