Skopje 12th September 2012 (MIA) – Tobacco growers may feel calm and safe since oriental tobacco will continue to be produced and they will receive the subsidies as promised in the Government Programme of the Republic of Macedonia.

This was recommended by Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, pointing out that the World Health Organization recommendations will refer more to preserving the health of smokers, rather than of those growing tobacco.

– Tobacco growers may be calm that there will be no risk for Macedonian tobacco growers neither there will be threat of reducing the subsidies, Minister said, adding that the subsidies for tobacco growers were fully paid in the amount of EUR 20 million during May and June this year.

As regards WHO recommendations, which should be adopted in November, Stavreski said that the Government will protect the interests of both Macedonia and the tobacco growers and as regards this issue it will take a position in favour of Macedonian economy and Macedonian agriculture.

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