Skopje, 10th September 2015 (MIA) – The Budget is in excellent condition, the revenues are higher by 13.5% compared to 2014, while the good budget liquidity provides for timely and regular settlement of all budget liabilities.

This was announced today by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, adding that tax revenues in the first eight months of this year were higher by more than 14%, i.e. by Denar 12.800 billion compared to 2014.

According to the Minister, such budget liquidity provides for regular payment of the liabilities towards all domestic companies as regards the public procurement, as well as the construction activities, the investments and everything providing for development of the domestic industry and engagement of the domestic companies.

I expect for such developments to resume in the coming period as well, i.e. to end this year well in terms of the Budget, and to continue to support Macedonian economy in 2016 with a development-based Budget, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zoran Stavreski said.

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