Skopje, 19th September 2011 (MIA)– Total macroeconomic situation is assessed as stable, Macedonian economy, for the time being, achieves the envisaged economic performance this year, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said during the meeting of the Government’s Economic Council.


– During the meeting of the Economic Council, other issues referring to the Government’s priorities were also discussed, more precisely the main topic was the construction of Technological and Industrial Development Zones, i.e. the dynamics of their realization, the preparedness, the manner to accelerate certain activities as regards the zones since it is obvious that there are more and more investors interested in investing in the Republic of Macedonia, Stavreski said.


He pointed out that free economic or industrial zones should be prepared in all cities, with support by the municipalities, in which such investments could be realized since, as he said, it provides for new jobs and economic growth.


As regards the other topics, Stavreski pointed out, that the developments in many segments will be discussed in the Government, mainly the reforms implemented for enhancing the economy competitiveness, the reforms in other sectors, in particular the health and other sectors, being relevant for the total priorities and the fulfillment of the Government’s Economic Programme. – What is most important is that such frequent meetings, focusing on all economic Ministries and the President of the Government, we, during this post-crisis period, return the focus on economy, economic growth, investments, jobs, everything we believe the Republic of Macedonia and the Government are able to realize this and next years, Stavreski pointed out.


Answering to journalist’s question, he said that the amount of foreign investments with all figures is by two times higher than last year, for the six months of the year.


– Total amount of foreign investments exceeds EUR 150 million. This is by two times higher than the same period last year including both the outflow and the inflow. This means that we are successful in realizing such target for attracting more investments, Stavreski said.


He pointed out that all this was achieved in a year, in which the European economy still faces risks and in a year, when they still believe that the investments will achieve the projected level, i.e. somewhat above EUR 300 million.


– The fact that this figure does not include the last announced investments and that five or six companies started their activities in the free economic zones show that we can expect increase of investments even in the next period of the year, Stavreski said.


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