21st November 2017, Skopje – Significant budget funds will be allocated for active employment measures within next year’s budget, was announced today by Minister of Finance Dragan Tevdovski at the launching of the new “EU for You” Campaign, covering employment, education and social inclusion, also attended by EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, EU Ambassador to Macedonia Samuel Zbogar, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Mila Carovska.

Almost billion denars have been projected in the 2018 Draft Budget for active employment measures. This is the highest amount ever allocated from the state budget, aimed at resolving the most burning issue in the society – unemployment.

As for policies related to employment, education and social inclusion, Minister pointed out that in addition to EU’s significant support through IPA funds, the Government has also allocated substantial funds for their implementation. Minister of Finance Tevdovski pointed out the active employment measures as an example thereof.

-They are a good example of the complementarity of the national policies of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia with the EU policies. In addition to the significant EU support through IPA grants intended for the employment measures next year, we projected almost billion denars, being the highest amount ever allocated for this purpose – Minister of Finance Tevdovski pointed out.

Under the 2018 Budget, funds have been projected for supporting domestic and foreign companies, which will provide for additional job creation.

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