Skopje, 7th December 2015 (MIA) – The airbag inflator manufacturerARC Automotive Macedoniastarted its operations on Monday in the technological industrial development zone in Bunargik, an investment of the US companyCapCon Automotive Technologies”, being worth US$ 18 million.


Within the new factory, 75 jobs have already been created and the investor announced that total of 400 jobs will be created. Company will be exportoriented, the products of which will be primarily intended for the European market.

The list of large multinational global companies having opened factories in Macedonia has been widened by the US investor CapCon as of today, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said at the opening ceremony.

The factory, as he pointed out, has the most modern equipment and highly sophisticated production lines, which he believes will be a challenge for all future experts from Macedonia who will operate therein.

We are pleased by the fact that the plans of the investors do not stop here. Investing in a technical center of the company is also planned in future, which will be additional engineering support of the entire capacity, Gruevski stressed, praising the company’s openness to cooperate with several Macedonian companies that could supply materials for the needs of “ARC Automotive Macedonia” .

Greatest benefit from the commissioning of this factory, as Gruevski said, is the attention it will direct towards all other interested companies which are still considering and exploring the opportunities for entering our country. – New factories are our biggest promoter and I hope that CAP CON’s example will be followed by many other international companies, Gruevski said, pointing out that ART Automotive Macedonia operate next to other companies in TIDZ, such as “Visteon”, “Johnson Metti”, “Tehnohoze”, “Kemet Electronics”, “Van Hool”, “Prodis”, “Diatek”, to be joined by “Montante Group” in the next period.

He pointed out that perhaps these investments are virtual and non-existent for the political opponent, however the citizens who work and receive salary from these factories are those benefiting therefrom. – This trend of new investments and opening new factories in Macedonia will continue in the next period as well, Prime Minister said, pointing out that the number of new factories is increasing from a month to month, and that four companies were commissioned in only one week.

CEO of Cap-Con Ali El-Haj said that during the capacity construction, EUR 12 million has been invested in machines and equipment so far, and that the factory in Macedonia will be their main focus on the European market.

– Installation of highly-sophisticated production lines combined with the talented local staff will enable us to produce only top quality products that will be delivered to our consumers. Our plan is to increase the production in the upcoming weeks up to 2.5 million of units per year. In addition, ART plans to double its capacity during the next six months, after which we plan to manufacture even five to six million of airbag caps, El-Haj said.

Every new investment and every new factory in Macedonia, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, brings better living standard for the citizens, increased production, stronger exports, and better performance of Macedonian economy

– If only five years ago, the ratio of export of machines and raw materials from the country was two against one in favour of the raw materials, today is the other way around, i.e. the ratio of export of machines and equipment in relation to the raw materials is five against one. This means, the export of machines and equipment is higher by five times than the export of raw materials, speaking in favour of the transformation of Macedonian production and economy, a structural transformation in terms of exporting products with much higher-value added, Stavreski said.

It is a great pleasure, as he added, that Cap-Cop chose Macedonia as its investment destination since the competition is large and all regional countries make efforts to attract new investments. Cap- Cop investment, as Stavreski underlined, is a confirmation of the favourable business climate in Macedonia.


Agreement for the investment in the factory in Bunargik was signed with Cap-Con in December last year.

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