
6th April 2021, Skopje – Investments in human capital development are of exceptional significance for the country’s progress, in particular for the education, health and social protection sectors. Manner in which countries cope with the consequences of COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the health, the education, the vulnerable categories and the jobs, building sustainable and inclusive systems resilient to future shocks, promotion of economic opportunities by ensuring fiscal sustainability at the same time, were the topics discussed among finance and development ministers of different countries from around the world, together with the Vice President for Human Development at the World Bank, Mamta Murthi and the World Bank Group President, David Malpass.

Minister of Finance of the Republic of North Macedonia, Fatmir Besimi, took an active part and delivered a speech therein, thereby stressing the support of the Government and the Ministry of Finance in the investments in human capital development, whereby joining the World Bank’s Human Capital Project speaks in favour thereof.

– Reforms in the field of health, education and social protection have been commenced, however, hard work is still ahead of us. From the aspect of financing these sectors, increased funds, as a share of GDP, have been also envisaged, given the efficiency of such investments therefor. Reforms being launched in cooperation with the World Bank provided for more effective government intervention when coping with the crisis consequences, thereby simplifying the channels of public service distribution. We continue to implement these crucial reforms, being the cornerstone for further growth and development – Minister Besimi pointed out.

Besimi stressed that active measures and activities have been undertaken, which will provide for enhancing the human resource development, as one of the pillars upon which the Growth Acceleration Financing Plan is based.

– Measures and activities being taken and aimed at improving education, science and health, intensified activity of the working able population, as well as the measures aimed at social protection increase, will provide for improved quality of life of our citizens – Minister underlined.

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