
22nd April 2021, Skopje – The Budget is liquid and all liabilities in the country, as well as towards foreign creditors, are settled in a timely fashion. Under a Government decision, pensions for the month of April will be paid starting 26th April, payments related to the economic measures are made on regular basis, capital expenditures are executed in line with the envisaged dynamics, budget revenues are higher compared to last year, unemployment declines. EIB credit line measure is in the final stage, the realization of which will contribute to increasing the respective measure implementation to 92%. Starting yesterday, 21st April, companies apply for the wage financial support for the months of February and April, the Parliament adopted the amendments to the Law on Financial Support under which vulnerable groups, not able to use the financial support measure due to outdated data at the banks, will be paid the financial support, Deputy Minister of Finance, Dimitar Kovachevski, pointed out in his interview at “People’s Opinion” show on Stip TV Star.

Kovachevski said that textile industry in Stip is the most affected, as well as that the fifth set of measures targets the most affected industries. Implementing the measure will contribute to revitalizing of the economy.

He underlined that the on the same day the Parliament adopted the laws related to the fifth set of measures, the Government adopted the sixth set of measures targeted mostly to supporting the hospitality industry, speaking of the relevant institutions and the Government acting promptly and in a timely manner. Its prompt adoption by the Parliament is of vital importance so as for the support to be delivered to the ones most in need.

Kovachevski stressed that the implemented economic policies and measures yielded the expected result, also evidenced by the macroeconomic data.

Export of goods in the first two months experienced 9.8%% growth in nominal terms annually, with the positive trends in this segment continuing with stronger dynamics. Import of goods grew by 4.4% in nominal terms, contributing to 11% decline of the trade deficit. Utilization of production capacities also picks up, with 71% utilization in February, being at the same level as before the crisis. Data on internal trade in the first two months, as he said, show increased turnover by 0.5%, following a period of decline throughout 2020. Average net wage continues to increase, experiencing 2.7% growth in February since the beginning of the year. Latest data from the Employment Agency also speak of a positive trend as regards employment. In February 2021, 159,608 unemployed persons were registered, while in March this year, 145,327 unemployed persons were registered.

As regards the Budget execution since the beginning of this year as of 15th April inclusive, revenues are higher by 7.8% compared to last year.

– Taking into account the absence of the pandemic during this period last year, the comparative base was high, this is indeed a positive result. Collection of revenues and contributions is higher by 8.7% in this period, with tax revenues increasing by 11.6% and revenues on the basis of contributions picking up by 4.7%. Increased tax revenue collection is mostly a result of increase of VAT revenues by 17/7%, CIT revenues by 10.2%, with collection of import duties surging by 17.1%. Expenditures are executed on regular basis and in a timely manner, and the budget deficit is as per the projections, Kovachevski said.

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