
On 20th May 2021, Ministry of Finance and Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts (MASA), organized scientific conference covering the topic ”Fiscal Policy Challenges amid Covid-19 Induced Pandemic and the Outlook for the Post-Crisis Period”. Joint conference between Ministry of Finance and MASA is part of MoF activities aimed at fostering the inclusive access when designing the fiscal policy, as well as the financing policies as regards the economic recovery and growth. This scientific conference covered debates and discussions with the scientific community and experts from the international financial institutions (IMF and World Bank) related to the key challenges in designing the fiscal policies in the short and medium term. Reports by the academic community and the international experts will be taken into account when preparing not only this year’s Supplementary Budget, but also the 2022 Budget, as well as the Fiscal Strategy in general.

The opening remarks were delivered by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi and Academic Taki Fiti, being followed by the presentation of the respective papers.

Conference was attended by more than 30 prominent national economic experts, as well as IMF and WB representatives. List of participants with scientific papers, in addition to Minister Besimi and Academic Fiti, also included Governor of the National Bank, Anita Angelovska-Bezoska, academics and former finance ministers, being also university professors.

Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi held a joint presentation with Gligor Bishev, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Sparkasse Bank, as well as with Professor Aleksandar Stojkov covering the topic “How to boost the economy in post-COVID-19 period?”.

At the same time, Governor Anita Angelovska-Bezoska together with the Vice Governor of the National Bank, Ana Mitreska and the Manager of the Monetary Policy and Research Department, Biljana Davidovska-Stojanova, presented their paper therein, covering the topic “Pandemic and public sector leverage – is there a pandemic reassessment of the views/risks? The case of the Republic of North Macedonia”.

Academic Taki Fati, together with Marica Antovska-Mitev and Tatjana Drangovska, as MASA representatives, presented their paper on the topic of “Fiscal Challenges in Post-Crisis Period – Public Investments and Green Growth”.

Deputy Minister of Finance Dimitar Kovachevski, together with Nikica Mojsoska – Blazeski, IMF representative and former Minister of Finance Dragan Tevdovski, together with Aleksandra Nakjeva Ruzhin and Viktor Stojkovski, former Ministers Nikola Popovski and Trajko Slaveski, Advisor to the Minister Besimi, Shiret Elezi, as well as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Jelena Tast, together with Vanco Uzunov and Nina Fiti-Nedelkovska, also presented their papers at this event.

Academic community also took part therein, with their presentations, whereby Academic Abdylmenaf Bexhetii presented two papers – the first one together with Zilnaipe Bexheti and the second one with Hirije – Abazi-Alili and Spresa Alija. Academic Izet Zeqiri also presented two papers, one out of which was delivered together with Jeton Mazlami and Brikend Aziri. Academic Goce Petreski and Professor Vladimir Filipovski also presented their papers.

Professors Predrag Trpeski, Borce Trenovski, Biljana Tasevska and Suzana Makresanska – Mladenovska presented two papers covering different topics.

Closing remarks were delivered by Freek Janmaat, Head of Operations at the EU Delegation in Skopje, Anton Mangov, Economist at the International Monetary Fund, and Sanja Madzarevic- Sujster, Senior Country Economist at the World Bank, followed by discussions with the present participants. Representatives of the three largest Chambers of Commerce also took part therein.

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