
7th April 2022, Skopje – Capacities of institutions in charge of conducting the EU accession talks under the Chapter – Economic criteria, will be strengthened. On 7th April, Deputy Minister of Finance, Filip Nikoloski, met Mojmir Mrak engaged by the Secretariat for European Affairs, as an expert for economic criteria as part of the EU accession negotiations.

Economic criteria are one of the fundamental chapters in the accession process, which now, according to the latest EU Enlargement Methodology, is also becoming part of the negotiation process. Given that the chapter is complex and related to several economic chapters, specific guidelines are needed on how to conduct the accession negotiations within this Chapter.

Deputy Minister of Finance stressed that strengthening the economic governance capacities means better coordination of economic policies and attaining the goals in terms of a competitive economy and new jobs.

“Economic Criteria (Copenhagen Economic Criteria) that the country has to meet so as to join the European Union, pertain to having a functioning market economy in place, as well as capacity to cope with the competitive pressure and the Market Forces in the Union. The way of conducting the process of negotiations was not always clear. Therefore, support by Professor Mojrmir Mrak is more than welcome. Ministry of Finance is the coordinator of the Economic Reform Program preparation process and according to the assessment by the European Commission, this Program is among the best in the region. Having in mind that the Program is directly related to the fulfillment of the Economic Criteria, we appreciate the expertise of Professor Mrak as regards economic chapters and economic governance. We particularly appreciate the preparation of the guidebook, containing instructions about this process, thus allowing us to better prepare for the accession negotiations as regards the economic criteria, whereby, we will do everything in our power to strengthen the capacities therefor”, Deputy Minister Nikoloski stressed.

Meeting was also attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Jelana Tasta and the State Advisor in SEA, Dragan Tilev.

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