14th October 2022, Washington – Establishment of Integrated Finance Management Information System – IFMIS and the priorities under the new 4-year Country Partnership Framework with the World Bank, were the topics discussed by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi and WB Vice President for Europe and Central Asia, Anna Bjerde, World Bank Group Executive Director, Koen Davidse, WB Country for the Western Balkans, Xiaoqing Yu and World Bank Country Manager for North Macedonia, Massimiliano Paolucci.
During the Annual IMF and WB Meetings, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi stressed that the ongoing implementation of the Integrated Finance Management Information System (IFMIS) is a priority project, being part of the public finance management reforms implemented by Ministry of Finance. This system is aimed at improving the public finance management efficiency and transparency, which will be attained by connecting the existing defragmented and disconnected systems to a single centralized digital platform.
– Integrated Finance Management Information System will provide for setting up a multi-year budget framework, public investment management, automated monitoring of the liabilities, as well as fixed asset and debt management. IFMIS is also in support of Government’s commitment to GovTech, i.e. incorporating state-of-the art technologies in the operations, Besimi pointed out at the meeting, thereby highlighting the issue related to financing the IFMIS implementation, all to the end of implementing the organic Budget Law as soon as possible.
At the meeting, the positive project implementation within the 4-year Framework, in particular as regards the energy efficiency, was affirmed. Energy Efficiency Project worth EUR 25 million, is implemented via the MSIP Implementation Unit within the Ministry of Finance with WB support. At present, the procedures pertaining to 42 projects have been completed, covering 12 municipalities, which applied therefor, the conditions of which, pertaining to seismic stability, have been met, with the procedures for energy efficiency in 16 health facilities being commenced as well.
Minister Besimi stressed that the investments foreseen under the 4-year Country Partnership Framework, pertain to improved infrastructure, human capital and public finance management.
Instead of US$ 420 million as initially projected under the 4-year Country Partnership Framework, US$ 508 million was approved due to the COVID-19 crisis. Existing Country Partnership Framework is closing in 2023, whereby the preparatory activities will commence at the beginning of next year, immediately upon the completion of the Country Report.