
18th May 2023, Skopje – Public sector wages will be regulated via systemically sustainable solution, which will leave no room for fragmented systemic solutions or any political intent in future, as pointed out by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi in his guest appearance in the newscast on MRT TV channel.

“It is a matter of major reform that cannot be implemented ad hoc but the solutions thereunder will be rather systemically sought via dialogue with the trade union representatives as our partner in this process. This solution is crucial since it will provide for overcoming the creation of partial solutions, being a cause of discontent. We make efforts to avoid this by conducting a dialogue within the Economic and Social Council, which is to provide for the most optimal solution therefor. Systemic and sustainable solution will arise from the existing solid basis, which solution will apply for the whole public sector, also including employees in the Ministry of Finance and the other institutions, having differences in the wages “, Besimi said.

He stressed that the Government extends support aimed at resolving this issue and that the system to be accepted, will be incorporated in the Budget. Thereby, he indicated that this does not imply freezing of the wages of the public sector employees, on the contrary, over the past years, the wages have been increased in the field of education, safety, judiciary, inspectorates, health and other sectors. This trend continues this year as well.

“This system will be applied by force of law with no need for any further negotiations, without thereby being used for political gains whatsoever. This issue will be resolved similarly as the minimum wage, for which adequate system was put into place, thus being no longer raised as of this year already. Minimum wage was increased by force of law in March this year, and it will keep growing in future as well”, Minister said, adding that there ongoing discussions about setting the respective methodology with the trade union representatives, upon holding the latest meeting of the Economic and Social Council”.

In his interview, Minister also touched upon the announced issuance of the development bond for the citizens, which will no adversely impact the deposits with the banks, and that the bonds are rather aimed at contributing to the economic development. “Funds under the development bonds for the citizens are projected in the 2023 Budget, and they will be used for financing capital projects”, Minister said, adding that so far, there have been no changes in the economic growth projections, with the implementation being monitored, however, uncertainty lies ahead, depending on the evolution of the developments in Ukraine and its impact on the economy in the EU, as our major trading partner.

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