
11th June 2023, Skopje – New EU plan aimed at bringing closer Western Balkans thereto and providing economic support thereto, will imply additional EU Funds for development projects and infrastructure. Thus, the companies in our country will be allowed free access to a market with half a billion consumers. This initiative, together with the national Growth Acceleration Plan will contribute to boosting both the investments and the competitiveness, thus also accelerating the economic growth, as pointed out by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi in his most recent column.

As EC President announced, the new initiative for Western Balkans support is built on four pillars: 1) bring the Western Balkans closer to the EU Single Market, 2) deepen regional economic integration, 3) accelerate fundamental reforms and 4) encourage economic growth by increasing pre-accession funds,

“Western Balkan countries will be given the possibility to reap, much earlier, the benefits from the main driver of the EU economic growth – the Single Market. Most probably, announced approach will pertain to a broader segment thereof, i.e. the Digital Single Market, incorporating areas such as e-commerce, cybersecurity and facilitation of payment services and trade in goods. Common regional market may provide for speeding up the EU accession process, whereby the regional economic integration is also crucial in unlocking the huge economic potential of the region, thus making it a more attractive place for foreign investors. The same is the case with the pre-accession reforms, since rule of law and efficient and reliable judiciary are a positive signal for the foreign investors, whereby green transition and ensuring energy sustainability are of crucial importance for the stability and the sustainable growth. There is a dire need of investments in the region, thus increasing the living standard, while also smoothing the way into the EU”, Besimi wrote.

Minister also indicates that the national Growth Acceleration Plain based upon the identical postulates is aimed at accomplishing the same goal.

“Analysis of the structure of the EU Plan on Growth of the Western Balkans demonstrates its focus on economic recovery and connectivity and ties of the region, boosted competitiveness of the economies and scaled-up investments. When considering the national Growth Acceleration Plan, it is evident that much of its structure, as well as the goals thereof are just the same therewith. The ultimate goal, “bringing EU home”, i.e. contributing to the citizens’ well-being will be guaranteed by implementing both plans, along with the EU support and the clear vision therefor.


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