
22nd June 2023, Skopje – Coherent, integrated and sustainable policies are crucial on our path to the EU. Inclusion of the scientific community in their creation will provide for achieving synergy of sound solutions, approaches and recommendations, all to the end of speeding up the process and setting up positions that will be useful in accomplishing the EU integration goals.

Scientific conference on “Accelerating the Accession Process of North Macedonia to the EU: Key Challenges and Priorities” was held on Thursday, organized by MASA in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and the Secretariat for European Affairs.

“We have been always and unquestionably committed to the Euro-Atlantic integration, with the strategic partnership with the EU and the USA as the basis for stable and sustainable development of our country, both democratically and economically. European Single Market with half a billion citizens, access to joint both funds and strategies pertaining to the crucial issues are the main benefits of the membership, which will contribute to faster convergence of our country towards the developed markets” – Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi pointed out.

He went on that the scientific conferences are an excellent opportunity to apply the scientific approach, as well as the recommendations in speeding up the process, while also setting up positions that will be useful in accomplishing the EU integration goals.

Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Bojan Maricic, said that such debates are only a starting point in this phase as regards the ongoing negotiations with the EU and that, as for all processes related to EU integration, the communication and the coordination with the academic community will resume on continuous basis, thereby urging that now is the time when  we  should all together be creative and think out of the box, thus opening discussions this summer, pertaining to areas wherein  we will be able to get involved earlier,  prior to the EU membership.

-After almost a year since we started the negotiations with the EU, high-quality results were attained, and the time has come to involve all stakeholders in fulfilling our strategic goal. There is a realistic chance for North Macedonia to become EU Member State. The EU plan should serve as a basis for intensifying the respective reforms and getting Republic of North Macedonia closer to the EU, Maricic pointed out.

Conference was attended by prominent scientists from the academic community of the country (academics, professors from state and private universities, scientific institutes, as well as domestic scientific and professional institutions), some of the government experts who will actively participate in the negotiations with the EU, etc. Presented papers are focused on the challenges, the advantages, the risks and the comparative experience related to our country’s accession to the European Union.

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