
12th July 2023, Skopje – Negotiations to resolve the issue as regards the public administration wages are a relatively strenuous process, particularly as they take place in crisis situation, however, being fully supported by Prime Minister, Dimitar Kovachevski, while also having the trade unions’ representatives as reliable partner, given their serious approach to finding the respective solution, was of crucial significance therefore, as pointed out by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, in his gest appearance for “21 Analiza” TV Show.

“What matters the most is that we managed, via dialogue, to come up with a solution in the interest of all employees, being a sustainable and systemic one, while also ensuring that the wage-related issue will not depend on any further negotiations, while alo safeguarding the living standard, keeping pace with the business sector productivity, as a solid basis for building a sound and professional public administration,” Minister Besimi said.

He stressed that this agreement covers 129,000 public administration employees at central and local level, i.e. budget users, public enterprises at local and central level, municipalities, etc., which, as per the agreed, will have their wages increased by 10% as of September 2023, while being paid a vacation allowance in the amount of Denar 10,000 for 2023, whereby the vacation allowance for 2024 will account for at least 30% of the average net wage, whereby, a methodology related to a coefficient multiplied by the average gross wage will be also introduced, to be valid starting March 2025.

As he stressed, the funds required for implementing the above-mentioned this year, will be provided under the Supplementary Budget or by reallocating the expenditures alone, which will be adopted by the Parliament during September.

Funds, as he explained, will be provided via reallocations rather than by increasing the deficit.

During the next few days, the reached agreement with the trade unions will be part of the agenda at a session of the Economic and Social Council.

In his interview, Minister stressed that, as regards the demands of the Public Revenue Administration and the Customs Administration employees, he expects a solution, like the one reached for the General Collective Agreement, with the negotiations already taking place via a mediator.

Minister also touched upon the process of issuing the development bond for citizens, today being the last day for submitting the application for its purchase.

He also underlined that the citizens recognized the possibilities this innovative instrument provides, and that the amount offered under the published Prospectus, has been already exceeded.

“As of Yesterday inclusive, EUR 14 million was issued, however, the precise amount offered will be known once the auction is held tomorrow. The amount offered by all citizens will be accepted. Funds will, via the Treasury Department, be used for financing development projects as projected under the Budget”, Minister of Finance said, adding that the citizens can generated sound earnings as a result of this risk-free investment.

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