
27nd November 2023, Skopje – Today, Ministry of Finance issued the 22nd denationalization bond in the amount of EUR 4.5 million, thus indemnifying all those with enforceable denationalization decisions dated from 1st January 2022 – 31st December 2022, determining the bonds as means of compensation.

Denationalization bonds are registered securities, denominated in euro and unrestrictedly negotiable.  Face value of a single bond is EUR 1, with 2% interest rate annually. Both face value and interest shall be repaid to the bond holders in a period of 10 years. Interest and face value are repaid annually, i.e. in 10 equal installments, with the repayment for the respective issue to commence from 1st June 2024. Denationalization bond holders can also use them for repayment of socially-owned flats,  and they can be traded on the Macedonian Stock Exchange as well.

Pursuant to the Law on Issuance of Denationalization Bonds of the Republic of Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia, starting 2002, issues denationalization bonds once a year, with the Government determining, under a decision, the annual amount of the denationalization bonds to be issued.

So far, 21 issues of denationalization bonds have been carried out, totaling EUR 391.2 million, with their first issue being launched in 2002.

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