
11th July 2023, Skopje – As per the agreement reached with the trade unions, 85,000 state administration employees at central level and budget users will have their wages increased by 10% starting in September, and they will also be paid vacation allowance of Denar 10,000, which funds will be provided under the Supplementary Budget in September, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi said, in his guest appearance on “24 Analiza” TV Show. Minister also stressed the great interest shown in the development bond for citizens, thus announcing that in order to meet the citizens’ needs, all applications, which will submitted as of 12th July inclusive, will be accepted.

Minister said that the introduction of a systemic solution for regular public sector wage growth as of 2025 has been agreed, as well as that starting next year, the vacation allowance will account for 30% of the average paid wage. As regards this year’s raise, Minister of Finance stressed that Supplementary Budget will be prepared, thus providing funds for the public administration wage growth as of September, as well as the vacation allowance payment.

Besimi pointed out that the deadline for submitting the applications for the development bond for citizens to the commercial banks, is 12th July 2023.  “Launch of this product is not aimed at financing the Budget, but rather boosting the capital market, thus offering a new instrument for the citizens, providing for expanded investment portfolio thereof. It is a risk-free investment, and the introduction of this instrument also contributes to reduced grey economy, thus putting citizens’ cash into circulation. Citizens’ investment in the development bond for citizens will contribute to the country’s development. In addition, this products adds incremental value to their money in terms of generating sound earnings for the citizens, Minister Beismi pointed out. He said that the Prospectus is published, with the amount offered being Denar 600 million, and if there is higher demand therefor, the whole amount will be issued. Minister under that that another auctions for the development bonds for citizens will be carried out throughout the year, depending on the interest the public is to demonstrate in this instrument.

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