
17th November 2023, Skopje – Ministers from the Western Balkan region gathered today in Skopje at the first meeting, wherein the Director – General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations Jan Koopman, presented the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. The meeting is the starting point in the precise implementation of the reform agendas the countries should pursue with intensified dynamics by the end of the year, which are to have access to some of the funds during the next year already. Regional Ministerial Meeting was officially inaugurated by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Bojan Maricic and the Director – General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations Jan Koopman, being also attended by Ministers of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania.

“EC’s presentation of the Growth Plan and the opportunities it offers to the tries in the region is more than welcomed as a basis for our joint discussion on the upcoming challenges and the best possible manner of taking advantage thereof in view of ensuring permanent and sustainable growth” Digital and green transition, boosted competitiveness and increased equality are areas entailing efficient institutions and policies,” Minister Besimi said, hosting this first meeting.

Growth Plan is a tool for the countries in the region in view of implementation of the reforms on their road to EU, which will provide for connectivity, reform support and financial support in the form of grants and loans.

“Our countries are invited to prepare reform agendas built on their own Economic Reform Programmes, the Joint Conclusions of the Economic and Financial Dialogue and the EC Progress Reports recently published”, Minister Besimi pointed out.

Deputy Prime Minister Maricic stressed the demonstrated institutional and administrative will in undertaking full responsibility for implementing this Plan.

Koopman pointed out discussions held at this meeting, pertaining to the adoption of the Plan, whereby the future steps are its implementation.

“This plan is not only an economic plan, it also provides for accelerating the EU integration process, as matters going hand in hand. This will contribute to feasible results, swift steps should be taken in order to implement all planned matters given that significant decisions await us until the Council, which will be held in December”, Koopman said.

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