It becomes more and more certain that Macedonia will become part of South Stream gas pipeline. Several options are being considered as how to build it, either as a leg or as a transit line, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said following today’s meeting with the representatives of the Russian energy giant “Gazprom” in Skopje.
According to him, today’s talks are a step closer to the project realization and it is almost certain that Macedonia will be included in the gas pipeline. As he pointed out, what remains to be done is completing the technical analyses for the pipeline cost-effectiveness and preparing all details and data Gazprom needs so as to specify where, how, as well as the quantities regarding the inclusion of Macedonia in the gas pipeline, followed by signing of inter-state agreement with Russia to the end of its realization.
After specifying the agreement, we will know whether the part of the gas pipeline in Macedonia will be realized through the US$ 60 million Russian clearing debt to Macedonia. Agreement therefore should be reached between both governments and the enterprises to build the gas pipeline.
The Government has already established the enterprise “Makedonija gas” to work together with “Gazprom” on the realization of the gas pipeline across Macedonia. It depends on our neighbors Albania and Kosovo and their potential gas needs whether only a leg of the South Stream gas pipeline or a transit route will be built in Macedonia.
– “Gazprom” arrival in Macedonia will ensure long-term stability in the supply of gas, clean and renewable energy source, thus contributing to both strengthening the competitiveness of Macedonian economy and enhancing its development. “Gazprom” presence in Macedonia will intensify the economic development and make the country more attractive to all other investors, since it will send strong signal that there is stability in the supply of necessary quantities of gas for all potential investments, Stavreski said.
Head of “Gazprom” Project Management Department of Leonid Chugunov pointed out that at least one year is necessary for the technical preparations, to determine whether and what type of gas pipeline will be built in Macedonia. He emphasized that Macedonia’s advantage lies in the fact that it has already prepared gasification project.
– We are very pleased that another European country wants to become part of the South Stream Project, intended for safety in the supply of gas in Europe. Gas needs in Macedonia, increasing every year, will be provided from Gazprom through the South Stream Project, Chugunov said.
On the long run, Macedonia, according to the estimates, will need 2.5 to 3 billion meters of cubic gas annually by 2040, and it is expected for the currently available quantity of 800 million cubic meters of gas to be soon secured connecting TETO and some other energy capacities to the existing gas pipeline.
63 billion cubic meters of gas will be transited from Europe through the South Stream Project annually, around 2.5 billion cubic meters of gas for the needs of Macedonia(MIA).