Skopje, 7th June 2012 (MIA) – Expansion of businesses and creation of additional jobs through the new measures the Government announced. This was announced by the entrepreneurs, beneficiaries of the so-far measures through the Employment Agency, who today, on a meeting with Vice Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski and Minister of Economy and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Valjon Saracini and Spiro Ristovski, had detailed discussion about the new measures.

They exchanged opinions with the Ministers for two out of the 12 new economic and social Government measures, being directly focused on the activities aimed at self—employment and training for renowned employer. Vice Prime Minister Stavreski said that these activities are expected to create around 2,000 jobs, for which EUR 4.5 million is provided from the Employment Agency Budget, so as to jointly overcome the crisis.

Dejan Trifunovski, dentist, having his own dental office five years already, starting this business with the help of these measures by the Employment Agency, said that the funds, being announced with the new measures were crucial in the current economic developments.

– Our business has been functioning five years already. In order to start business, first one should have an intellectual value, however with no funds, being crucial in the field of medicine so as to able to participate in a modern manner, it is practically impossible to carry out certain interventions, Trifunovski said.

He plans expansion of the stomatology with other surgery branches, already planning to increase the number of employees. – It is a great pleasure knowing that there are such programmes in the Employment Agency, which may be strong support to us so as to progress forwards. At this stage, we are still making plans how this would function, however in order for one polysurgery to operate, there should be at least five employees to perform all surgery face, jaw and neck interventions , Trifunovski pointed out.

Vice Prime Minister Stavreski pointed out that it is a good thing that they discussed about the measures with entrepreneurs, starting their own business several years ago and that he believes they will be beneficiaries of these funds by creating additional jobs in future as well. One of the two projects refers to 1,000 employments, 550 out of which are aimed at employment in companies, already starting operating on the basis of self-employment credit they received or new micro or small-size enterprises that will use the opportunity to employ additional one to three workers, Stavreski said.

Therefore, they will obtain EUR 3,000 for each job, i.e. maximum EUR 9,000 under exceptionally favourable conditions with 3-year repayment deadline, the first year out of which is grace period with only 1% interest rate. Additional 450 jobs will be provided for new persons who will start up a business as a self-employed, thus just by this measure, around 1,000 new jobs will be created.

– What was important to us was to hear from those who have started such business recently, whether these measures work in their plans and correspond to their needs. They expressed contentment that they will additionally obtain funds from the Government to expand their business, thus I believe this will be completely successful measure being supported by the persons who decided to start their own business, Stavreski said.

When asked whether there will be sufficient funds for support if there is greater interest than the planned one, Vice Prime Minister pointed out that the Government has always been and will be open for such purpose, being productive and creating new jobs. Agency will also collect funds on the basis of paid, previously extended credits and makes those funds available, on revolving basis, for new jobs and elf-employment credits, Stavreski said.

When commenting the attitudes of the business community as regards the new Government measures, he pointed out they were welcomed by all those involved. – They were especially satisfied that, in such troubled times, when the Governments in the other countries cut the funds for all purposes, including the support to the business community, Government of the Republic of Macedonia managed to provide EUR 111 million, which will be directly provided to the businesses, the companies and the economy. This is huge support taking into account the size of the capacity of Macedonian economy and the opportunity for providing new projects, Stavreski said, adding that the companies should realize good projects as soon as possible and the Government as it promised, should make the funds available at the beginning of July, thus the crisis will be jointly overcome.

Minister of Economy, Saracini said that the Employment Agency presented to the entrepreneurs the new programme for employment of new 1,000 persons by training renowned employer. Around 750 unemployed persons, as well as additional 250 persons up to the age of 27 may apply for this new measure, to whom the training will be their first employment and will be considered as a training for internship.

In July, the Employment Agency will announce the public call, where the companies can apply and total of 1,000 persons will be given the possibility, through a 3-month training, paid by the Employment Agency, to show their qualities, to work in these companies, and the employer will be obliged, in accordance with the contract, to retain 50 percent from those attending the training, Stavreski explained.

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