Skopje, 1st July 2015 (MIA) – As of today, Macedonian export-oriented companies will be able to transport their goods by a single transit document in 34 countries (EU, EFTA and Turkey). Thus, Republic of Macedonia will join the EU Convention on a Common Transit Procedure and the Convention on the Simplification of Formalities in Trade in Goods, by which Macedonia is one step closer to its accession to the European Union.  

Conventions, as indicated at today’s press conference in the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia, provide for movement of the goods within the member countries from one entry point to the place where the transit procedure is completed, regardless of the number of countries and the border crossings through which the goods should be transited.  As the Customs Administration Director Natasa Radeska Krstevski explained, the electronic transit declaration by which the transit procedure is initiated in any country, signatory of the Convention, is acceptable in all member countries.

At the press-conference held in the Customs Administration, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski , said  that the Convention means faster flow of goods, which will have positive effects on the competitiveness of Macedonian economy and the trade with the countries, signatories of this Convention.  

– Macedonia’s accession to the EU means higher standards and realization of activities that will provide for better position and boosted competitiveness of the country. This is exactly such activity and all undertaken measures and activities mean higher standards as regards the performance of the Customs Administration in this field, and activity that will be beneficial for the companies as well, Minister of Finance said.

He explained that this means shorter waiting time at borders, lower costs in terms of transportation of the goods and the required time, as well as facilitation of the procedure for the companies.

He believes that Macedonian companies will both use this opportunity and actively engage in applying the common transit procedure.  

He went on that Macedonia is the first Western Balkan country that has joined this Convention comprising 34 signatory countries, i.e. 28 EU Member States aнd EFTA countries – Island, Norway, Lichtenstein, Switzerland and Turkey.  

He pointed out that Macedonia, after many years of strenuous efforts and work, has finally become a signatory country of this Convention, thus being a step closer to the EU accession.

Under the common transit procedure, the goods are transported more easily and more quickly, customs formalities are simplified and the transit is more efficient. As regards the Customs Administration, as the Director said, the common transit procedure provides for improving the prevention and detection of frauds and greater safety when implemnting the transit-related activities.  


Accession to the common transit system means harmonization of the legislation, training of customs officials and economic operators, as well as development of software to be connected with all countries, signatories of the Convention. The software is developed with financial support in the amount of EUR 3 million from the EU through IPA 2008 Programme and EUR 0.5 million as contribution by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.

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