29th July 2018, Skopje – Kindergartens, public facilities, water supply network, local roads – are all part of the capital investments realized last year through the Municipal Services Improvement Project, implemented by the Ministry of Finance. As per the data from the Project Implementation Unit within the Ministry of Finance, 72 capital projects were realized in 41 municipalities within this Project alone in the period from June 2017 to June 2018.

Municipal Services Improvement Project or MSIP is aimed at improving the living conditions in all Macedonian municipalities through capital projects in water supply, sewerage and waste water collection, energy efficiency, local road infrastructure, utility services, construction of kindergartens, green markets, industrial zones infrastructure, etc.

-Thousands of citizens in Macedonia were provided better services by their municipalities last year. It is a matter of ten and so kilometers of new or reconstructed local streets, built or reconstructed water supply network, reconstructed water bed, kindergarten, cultural center, municipal building, etc. Children in Zrenovci were built a kindergarten, water supply network was built for the citizens in Cheshinovo, Obleshevo, Gazi Baba, Plasnica and Slivnica, and better local streets and roads were constructed for the citizens in many municipalities. These are real projects with real values for the citizens, Minister Dragan Tevdovski pointed out.

The Project is supported by the World Bank providing a total amount of EUR 81.1 million and IPA grant funds for rural development in the amount of EUR 14.6 million.

-Local authorities in the Republic of Macedonia are entrusted with the task of rendering better services to the local population. Water supply, utility services, school buildings – municipalities contribute to the economic development of the whole country. World Bank has been extending support to local authorities since 2009 through the Municipal Services Improvement Project, which underpins the needs of the municipalities to invest in capital projects. The Project yields results not only in providing funds for financing capital investments and improving the local infrastructure, but also in building local capacities. We would like for the municipalities to be able to develop themselves, to attract investments and to create jobs by providing local municipal services, Marco Mantovanelli, World Bank Country Manager for the Republic of Macedonia, said.

– Влезот во ЕУ е задача за сите – за Владата, но и за граѓаните и општините. Општините имаат потреба од финансиски извори и инфраструктура. Со оваа Програма ЕУ дава голема поддршка, на 78 од 81 општина, со основна инфраструктура од водоснабдување до третман на отпад, од школи до улици, од рурални патишта до културни центри. Сето ова се придобивки за руралното население и за младите луѓе да останат таму-истакна Никола Бертолини, раководител на сектор за соработка на Делегација на ЕУ во Македонија.

– EU membership is a task to be accomplished by all – the Government, as well as the citizens and the municipalities. Municipalities need sources of financing and infrastructure. Under this Project, the EU extends significant support to 78 out of 81 municipalities, including basic infrastructure, water supply and waste treatment, to schools, streets, rural roads and cultural centers. All this is beneficial for the rural population and for the young people to stay there, Nicola Bertolini, Head of Cooperation within the Delegation of the European Union to Macedonia, pointed out.

27 new capital investments in 22 municipalities are to be launched in the coming six months under this Project.

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