
2nd July 2021, Skopje – This year will be a year of recovery, whereby Republic of North Macedonia will strive towards achieving the priority goals such as intensified growth and implementing the European Agenda. Long-standing partnership and the support from the United States of America focused on the social and economic growth of North Macedonia, as well as the Euroantlantic integration are of invaluable importance for our country in attaining these priorities. Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, on the margins of “Prespa Forum Dialogue”, met ReekerPhilip T. Acting Assistant Secretary Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Matthew Palmer, and the US Ambassador to North Macedonia, Kate Marie Byrnes, wherein the discussions pertained to the cooperation, as well as the prospects of our economy.

Priorities upon which the Government and the Ministry of Finance focuses are achieving higher economic growth rates from 4% to 5% annually, as well as higher wages by 20% to 30% in the medium term, all to the end of increasing the living standard of the citizens. This will be attained by pursuing medium-term fiscal policy, to be geared towards investments, recovery and sustainable growth and fiscal consolidation. To that end, significant step has already been taken forward by preparing appropriate legislation, to be a cornerstone when implementing these reforms, such as: the new Budget Law, being adopted by the Government, followed by longer-term Fiscal Strategy and Public Debt Management Strategy, Tax Reform Strategy, as well as ambitious multiannual investment plan.

From the aspect of scaled-up investments, Ministry of Finance is in the final stage of preparing the Growth Acceleration Financing Plan, being aimed at multiplying the funds for investments by mobilizing private capital.

This will provide for prompt realization of the planned development agenda, coupled by the fiscal consolidation implementation.

During the meeting, both counterparts underlined the commitment to continuing the good cooperation and partnership, as well as supporting the realization of priorities in building better society and stronger economy.

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