People in Macedonia are compassionate and want to help their fellow citizens who need assistance, agreed participants at the first conference on philanthropy in Macedonia “Philanthropy for Better Future”, held in Skopje today.
One of the objectives of the Conference, organized by the Association for Promotion of Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility “Connect” and supported by USAID, is to use and continuously develop, to the highest level, philanthropy potential in Macedonia.
Impossibility for the citizens and the companies in Macedonia to promise long-term support to those in need is pointed out as a drawback, which according to “Connect” Director, Nikica Kusinikova, is mostly due to the economic situation.
– Philanthropy, as both a term and a phenomenon, is as old as mankind. In the modern sense of the word, it means realization of a private initiative so as to achieve a common good in improving quality of life, Vice Premier Zoran Stavreski said at the conference address, adding that philanthropy played and still plays an important role in the development of the society not only in material sense, but also in humane and ethical sense.
Philanthropy, as Stavreski pointed out, requires mutual cooperation and partnership relations among all segments of society. Mother Theresa, the greatest humanist and well-known philanthropist internationally, was born in Macedonia.
– Citizens and companies, through their donations and volunteer engagements, have become partners of the Government in resolving problems of public interest, especially in the field of social affairs, education, health, environment and culture, Stavreski pointed out.
He said one cannot talk about philanthropy in Macedonia without mentioning the great humanist Tose Proeski, who unselfishly extended helping hand to people and stood up for a society in which human values, morale and ethics prevail. His example, as Prime Minister said, is followed by the big stars in the Macedonian public life who have started organizing humanitarian concerts, raised funds being allocated to help the lees happy ones. Number of businessmen and corporations provide their help in building kindergartens, playgrounds, collecting funds for treatments or surgeries, as well as for continuous assistance to persons with special needs and people suffering from serious diseases.
– Although activities of the Government related to provision of goods of public interest do not fall within the definition on philanthropy, I would like to mention that Law on Donations and Sponsorship in Public Activities was adopted, providing for tax incentives on donations from citizens and firms, as well as Law on Volunteerism, pursuant to which volunteerism is an activity of interest of the state, Stavreski said.
Since last year, as Finance Minister said, health protection is ensured for all citizens, free textbooks for all pupils starting this year, and the Government undertakes steps to also resolve the housing issue for the persons beneficiaries of social welfare, children without parents, single parents.
USAID Mission Director in Macedonia, Michael Fritz, said philanthropy undoubtedly exists in Macedonia, adding that today’s conference opened the possibility for its enhancement.
– Philanthropy is the basic trait of every society. People worldwide have a vision of better tomorrow, using their time and resources towards building better future. They care for each other and the environment, providing mutual support, underlined Fritz.
He also added that the USA have long history of helping those in need, which led to the establishment of USAID.
According to data from the Central Registry, 399 companies provided EUR 7.7 million as donations and sponsorships in 2008, while data from mobile operators show that more than EUR 90,000 was raised from the citizens by calling donation lines in 2008. Even 70%-87% of Macedonian companies said they have donated assistance.(MIA)