15th July 2019, Skopje – Today, Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Finance, Shiret Elezi, met EBRD high officials, Anca Ioana Ionescu, current EBRD Head of North Macedonia, and Andi Aranitasi, to succeed Ms. Ionescu from September this year. During the meeting, they jointly assessed the so-far cooperation with EBRD as successful, concluding that conditions were in place for the intensive cooperation to also continue in future.

It was also concluded that the Republic of North Macedonia has undertaken good political steps in its relations with the neighboring countries, thus creating room for more active regional cooperation and integration, as well as economic development of our country.

– In parallel to the NATO integration process and the steps to the European integration, we are strongly committed to economic growth, by supporting the enterprises, investing in infrastructure, enhancing the municipal capacities, all to the end of each citizen to feel direct economic benefits. During this process, cooperation with the EBRD is very important to us, since the Bank is among the major strategic partners of our country, Prime Minister Zaev said.

Discussions were also held about increase of capital investments, investments in both road and rail infrastructure, energy, the importance of respecting the European standards in project realization, as well as the benefits from the cooperation with EBRD.

Possibility for EBRD to get involved with its experts at technical level in the development of municipal capacities, which can significantly contribute to the economic development, was also discussed.  

Prime Minister Zaev talked about some of the step to be undertaken in subsidizing the employees’ contributions, all to the end of wage increase, and positive experience with the countries in the broader region was exchanged as regards this measure. 

It was concluded at the meeting that cooperation between the Government and EBRD will continue in the period to come, with the established dynamics and in line with the Republic of North Macedonia Country Strategy, which gives results in terms of the quality of living of the citizens.

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