Macedonia has the lowest unemployment at the moment, and Government’s objective is to reduce it to 22%. In an interview for Kurir News Agency, Minister Minoski talked about the plans and the measures the Government undertakes to achieve this objective.

– Main priority of the policies of this Government is job creation and unemployment reduction. Should historical data, publicly available, be analyzed, it could be seen that a lot has been achieved in this field. A lot of jobs have been created at the companies of foreign investors, in addition to stimulating active employment measures on the labour market. Activities the Government undertakes are well known, especially through the campaigns “Macedonia Employs” and “Macedonia Employs 2”. Main goal of these active measures is to boost employment of certain target groups. Above all, the categories of unemployed persons facing long-term unemployment, as well as stimulating employment at young people. To that end, we, as a Government, are undertaking intensive measures, which are being implemented through the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, all to the end of encouraging the process of employment and the unemployed persons to acquire certain skills necessary to perform the working tasks.


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