30th July 2018, Skopje – Harmonization with the EU Acquis, faster flow of goods and loosening the penal policy are envisaged in the modifications and amendments to the Law on Customs, which the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia adopted today.

-Amendments are aimed at improving the legislation itself in terms of creating a uniformed, just and proportional application of the misdemeanor provisions, corresponding to the severity of the misdemeanor committed. Proposed amendments in the misdemeanor provisions are aimed at reducing EUR 250 fine to EUR 50 fine for legal entities and EUR 50 fine to EUR 15 fine for natural persons, as regards customs misdemeanours for which on-the-spot payment order is envisaged, Minister of Finance, Dragan Tevdovski, said in his exposé.

Proposed amendments provide for mutual recognition of the issued approvals for an authorized economic operator within CEFTA, contributing to facilitation of the regional trade. This is a significant benefit for the Macedonian companies trading in the region, since they will be provided faster flow of exported goods, less document and physical-based controls and a possibility to request a specific place for such control.

Amendments to the Law also provide for harmonization with the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure. They are aimed at harmonizing the provisions regulating the use of guarantees sufficient to cover any customs debt or other duties which might arise with respect to goods placed under the transit procedure.


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