Sveti Nikole, 22nd December 2012 (MIA) Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said that he expects for the 2013 Budget to be adopted by the end of the year.


Vice Prime Minister, during the opening ceremony of new diary in Sveti Nikole, commenting the most recent developments in the Parliament, pointed out that the Government will no longer accept the blackmails of the opposition.


– We have shown high level of constructiveness. The opposition should also show constructiveness. Democracy cannot be built with ultimatum and blackmails. Opposition strives for the country and its citizens to be held hostage, thus causing chaos Stavreski said.


He pointed out that so far, four proposals have been given by the Government, so as to reach agreement with the opposition, however, none of them was accepted. Opposition party SDSM added, that they themselves asked for the funds from the World Bank credit not to be spent until the elections, and when they were given such offer, they rejected it. He also reiterated that the Government accepted 44 amendments from the opposition, being a record number of amendments in the last 20 years.


– Unfortunately, they reject all our proposals and remain entrenched and give ultimatum to either accept only what they suggest or not to adopt the Budget. This is not a good position. It is harmful for the country, the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, pensioners, welfare beneficiaries, farmers and businessmen, all of them are kept in suspense and expect for SDSM to show responsibility and to allow, as any European opposition for the Budget to be adopted, Stavreski added.


Today in the Parliament, answering journalist’s question about the accusations of SDSM that the Government borrowed additional EUR 100 million through treasury bills, Stavreski said they are used to only accusations and rude words from SDSM and that it is a matter of elementary incomprehension of the Budget functioning.


– Any collected Denar in the Budget is returned to the economy and all funds collected in the Budget are paid to companies on the basis of VAT refund to construction companies for works carried out, subsidies to farmers, construction of hospitals and schools, etc. This is how the governments of France, Germany, Italy work, and this is how the Government of the Republic of Macedonia works, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said.


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