Brussels, 5th December 2012 (MIA) – Southeast European countries and Republic of Macedonia strongly feel the consequences of the economic crisis. Therefore, I have used the opportunity to present, at this Summit, the economic developments in Macedonia where we have experienced positive trends and to say that we are in a much better position in certain segments compared to the other countries. Macedonia has a low level of deficit and it is forth least indebted country in Europe. This was underlined by Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, at the end of the Summit in Brussels, called “Balkans Progress: Battling to Overcome the Impact of Crisis”.


MIA correspondent from Brussels reported that Summit discussions covered the following topics: strengthening democracy and the rule of law, tough measures for boosting the business environment and energy efficiencies holding the key to wider progress.


According to Vice Prime Minister Stavreski, this was a high-level Summit and it was the most important for the European Union and SEE countries, among which was the Republic of Macedonia, so as for the Union and the other countries in the region to discuss together the ways to cope with the challenges of the economic crisis.


– We have shown sound performance as regards improvement of business environment, being among the countries in Europe showing better results and being the best in SEE. As regards this, Macedonia will ask for support from both the EU and the banks in Europe, above all the European Investment Bank (EIB), to continue with the credit lines for the Macedonia SMEs and for infrastructure projects, as an important instrument to increase the economic growth. Next year, with their support, we will realize several major projects, such as Corridor 10 highway and other projects aimed at supporting SMEs, EUR 100 million credit line, etc., Stavreski added.


According to Macedonian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Macedonian delegation had the opportunity to present, at this high-level Summit, the Republic of Macedonia in a positive light and to ask for support from the EU and the Friends of Europe to open the doors for Macedonia.


– This will contribute for the growth in future to be higher and to have more foreign and domestic investments, as well as to gradually resolve the unemployment issue, which is our key problem, Stavreski concluded.


In addition to the Macedonian Vice Prime Minister, Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, European Commission Director General for Enlargement, Stefano Sannino, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia, Miroslav Lajcak, Governor of the Croatian National Bank, Boris Vujcic, Future Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Goran Svilanovic, and other prominent European political, banking and business figures took part at the Summit in Brussels.


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