
In line with the already established practice for holding meetings of the Public-Private Dialogue Platform each month, today, at building of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, and Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, met the presidents of the four largest chambers of commerce (Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, Chamber of Commerce of North-West Macedonia, Association of Chambers of Commerce and ICT Chamber of Commerce – MASIT), which are part of this Platform.

At today’s meeting, Ministers Besimi and Bekteshi presented the draft fifth set of economic measures, related to managing the COVID-19-induced crisis. The Ministers said that the proposed measure include companies making losses due to the pandemic, such as companies in the food and accommodation services sector, tourism, transport companies, event planning and organizing companies, the media, the tobacco producers, sports clubs, and the measures envisage interest-free loans with a grant component for the companies, tax relief for the affected sectors, customs relief.

To the end of maintain the good cooperation among the Government, the Ministries and the business sector, discussion was held on the draft fifth set of economic measures. The representatives of the Chambers of Commerce expressed their contentment with and agreement for the proposal, and Ministers Besimi and Bekteshi pointed out that all stakeholders and social partners will be consulted once again before the final agreed set of economic measures is announced.

The draft fifth set of measures, not yet being finally defined, includes around 20 measures, targeted at supporting the sectors and the citizens most affected by the health and the socio-economic crisis, focusing on maintaining companies’ liquidity and keeping jobs, as well as stimulating the companies to continue developing and growing.

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