
21st June 2022, Skopje – More than 92000 public sector employees or 72% of the employees thereof have their wages increased this year even in times of crisis we all face, thus making efforts for its overcoming by taking all possible actions and measures. This was pointed out by Deputy Minister of Finance, Filip Nikoloski on Wednesday in the Parliament building, where the amendment debate upon the 2022 Supplementary Budget took place.

-Government of the Republic of North Macedonia takes good care of the living standard and the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, including all public sector employees, as affirmed at several occasions. In fact, a few months ago, the Law on Minimum Wage was adopted, as per which, over 17,000, or more precisely 17,245 public sector employees had their minimum wages increased. Thus, the minimum wage was increased to Denar 18,000 from the previous Denar 15,200. In the meantime, wages were increased for other sectors as well, covering large number of public sector employees. Fund have been foremost projected for increasing the wages by 15% in the field of education, as of September, covering more than 37000 employees therein. Furthermore, wage increase by 5% is envisaged for Ministry of Interior personnel, covering 12000 employees. As regards culture, encompassing over 3500 employees, the wages are to be increased by 30%. As for the judiciary, with over 2600 employees, the wages are increased by 15%. Wages of the health sector personnel have been increased for several years in a row, i.e. by 15% and 20%, while being increased by 5% this year as well, covering more than 2000 people, as Deputy Minister Nikoloski pointed out.

He stressed that more than 92000 public sector employees, i.e. over 72% of the total employees in the public sector have or will have their wages increased, while the rest, for which no increase has been envisaged or agreed, are those who are employed in state-owned or local public enterprises, where the decision to increase the wages is made by the enterprises themselves, having their own budgets, which wages are already high.

The remaining 1000 employees, up to the total number of 131 thousand public sector employees, as Deputy Minister said, are those who are employed in the regulatory bodies and the Central Bank, which wages are considerably high.

Nikoloski stressed that the Government of Republic of North Macedonia takes good care of the public sector employees, thereby pointing out that at local level, with 6000 employees, consolidation is needed prior to starting the wage increase, since most of the municipalities record poor financial performance, which is ultimately again borne by the Budget.

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