
22nd December 2023, Skopje – Starting 1st January 2024, systemic change is to be introduced in the employment process in the public sector, by streamlining the procedure and its decentralization at micro level, i.e. at management level of the respective institution, wherein the employment should be established, as foreseen in the Organic Budget Law, being in parliamentary procedure. This was announced by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi when meeting the journalists.

“This new simplified procedure will provide for carrying out the employment process in the public sector out on the basis of an approved employment plan at the budget user or the institution, as well as on the basis of the Budget adopted by the Parliament, accompanied by a statement by the head at the institution, pertaining to the funds provided for the respective employment therein”, Minister Besimi said.

He went on that the process is thus decentralized, and the responsibility is delegated at micro level, at the management level within the respective institution, wherein the employment is established, which responsibility is reinforced with the statement signed by the head at the Employment Agency or the Civil Servants Agency, depending on the institution, the employment notice refers to.

“It is a matter of substantial reform as regards the employment procedure, thus decentralizing the process and improving the human capital management. This procedure incorporates control mechanisms, i.e. no employment notice could be announced without its prior approval as per the employment plan”, Minister stressed.

During the meeting with the journalists, he stated that this innovative solution would start applying as of 1st January 2024.

He also touched upon the employment issue in the health sector, thereby highlighting that a sustainable solution is being sought, accompanied by a day-to-day communication, with all options being considered, which will provide for comping up with a solution as per the respective needs.

As for the issue related to the wages of MoF employees, he pointed out that the final decision is yet to be reached by the Constitutional Court, while stressing that Ministry of Finance’ position thereon remains unchanged.

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