Project Goal
The main objective of the project is to improve transparency, financial sustainability and delivery of targeted municipal services in the participating municipalities by providing sub-loans to municipalities for investments in revenue-generating public services and other investment projects of high priority to municipalities and with cost savings potential. These investments will contribute to the improvement in performance in service provisions and strengthening municipalities’ functions and competences as regulated by the Law on the local self-government units.
Target Group (Project Beneficiaries)
The project will encompass these municipalities that are approved for the second phase of fiscal decentralization and which, according to the Law on financing of local self-government units and the Guideline on the borrowing method and the procedure of the municipalities and the public enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia, issued by the Ministry of Finance, fulfill entirely the conditions for long term borrowing.
Project Components
Component A: Municipal Investments (US$ 64,25 million)
This component would provide loans to municipalities that are eligible to borrow.
The following activities are eligible for financing:
- Water and sanitation services: finance for civil works, equipment, and consulting services to rehabilitate water and sanitation services, including for source and consumption metering, leak detection and repair, network rehabilitation and optimization, pressure zoning, and equipment for operations; and urgent rehabilitation and repair of selected sewers, sewer maintenance equipment, and pipe replacement.
- Solid waste management: finance for collection infrastructure and support equipment, such as collection bins, support vehicles, and other related equipment and consulting services; and to a limited extent, civil works and equipment to upgrade existing disposal sites to meet minimum sanitary standards.
- Other revenue-generating or cost-saving investments: finance for civil works, equipment and related consulting services for upgrading and/or expanding of other services or facilities under the responsibility of municipalities, such as public lighting, storm water drainage systems, urban transport systems, green markets, or insulation of public buildings to lower energy consumption or otherwise enhance efficiency.
The project will not finance :
- water treatment plants,
- extension of sewerage systems,
- works related to the new and existing waste landfills.
Terms of on-lending of funds:
- Interest rate: six months LIBOR for Euro plus the variable spread,
- Grace period: maximum 3 years,
- Repayment Date: maximum 10 years.
On-going tender procedures:
Terms of Reference-Small Size Waste Water Treatment in Rural Areas
Component B: Capacity Building and Institutional Reform – (US$ 2,95 million)
This component includes consultancy services and technical assistance for the municipalities for sub-project preparation, local capacity building, and national level institutional strengthening.
Component C: Performance-Based Investment Grants – (US$ 5,6 million)
This component provides grants to municipalities as an incentive and reward for implementation of reform initiatives aimed at performance improvements in service delivery. Performance grants will be awarded based on achieving at least 4 of the 7 listed criteria, after verification of criteria implementation. The amount of the awarded grant is related with the amount of the loan for the appropriate municipality and it may reach to 20% of the total amount of the sub loan. The grant funds may be used solely for the financing of investment projects.
Component D: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation – (US$ 2,2 million)
Project papers:
“Berovo – project on streets reconstruction”
“Vinica – project on procurement of special vehicles for collection of communal waste“
“Mavrovo i Rostushe – project on reconstruction of local roads“
“Bosilovo – project on construction of local roads and streets“
“Rankovce – project on construction of local roads in Rankovce municipality“
“Gazi Baba-project on construction of elementary school Grigor Prlicev“
“Petrovec-project on construction of elementary school Kocho Racin“
“Caska-construction of local road and resorvoir”
“Butel”-construction of elementary school “Zivko Brajkovski”
“Krushevo”-installation of water meters
“Mavrovo and Rostushe”-project for construction of street lightening
“Dojran”-project for procurement of waste collection vehicle and back hoe loader
“Rosoman”-construction of 250 m3 water supply reservoir in municipality of Rosoman
“Kocani”-Construction of 10 streets in municipality Kocani
“Negotino”-Reconstruction of water supply system in municipality of Negotino
“Sveti Nikole”-Reconstruction of two streets in municipality of Sveti Nikole
“Delcevo”-Extension of the kindergarten “Veseli Cvetovi”
“Kratovo”-Construction of new green market in the municipality of Kratovo
“Sopishte”-Rehabilitation of varios streets in municipality of Sopishte
Main contacts of the Project Implementation Unit of the MSIP Project:
Lead Project Coordinator
MSc Tanja Tomic
telephone: +389 2 3255738, +389 72 796 660
Financial Management Specialist
Msc Simona Stankovic
telephone: +389 2 3255772,
Legal and Procurement Coordinator
Aleksandar Najdovski
telephone: +389 2 3255735,+389 75 317 670
Technical Coordinator
Roza Perkovska
telephone: +389 2 3255733, +389 75 317 673
Civil Engineer
Jasminka Zanteva-Bozikova
telephone: +389 2 3255732, +389 70 315 356
Civil Engineer
Goran Trencevski
telephone: +389 2 3255737, +389 72 272 933
Civil Engineer
MSc Jasminka Taseva-Jankovic
telephone: +389 2 3255790, +389 70 379 835
Architect Engineer
Bardul Marku
telephone: +389 2 3255664, +389 72 796 632
Civil Engineer
Rade Lazarevski
telephone: +389 2 3255714, +389 75 406 597
Civil Engineer
Filip Mijajlevski
telephone: +389 2 3255521, +389 72 796 633
Administrative assistant/ Translator
Ana Damjanoska
telephone: +389 2 3255734,
Administrative/ Operative assistant
Zoran Dejkoski
telephone: +389 2 3255731, +389 70 315 349
Procurement assistant
Msc Jovana Temelkovska
telephone: +389 2 3255451,
Environmental Consultant
Katarina Georgievska
telephone: +389 2 3255772, +389 72 796 658
Procurement and economy associate
Teona Srbinoska
telephone: +389 78 331 633
Communications analyst
MSc Vladimir Grujovski
telephone: +389 2 3255 630
Significant documentation related to the implementation of the project:
Small size wastewater treatment in rural areas-Final summary report with recommendations
MSIP 2- Project Information Fiche
MSIP 2- Project Operational Manual
MSIP 2 – Enviromental Assessments and Managament Framework Document
MSIP-2- Resettlement Policy Framework
Procedures for use of MSIP funds
MSIP Project Appraisal Document
MSIP Project Operational Manual
MSIP project financial statments and Independent Audit Report for year 2013
MSIP project financial statements and Independent Audit Report for year 2014
MSIP project financial statements and Independent Audit Report for year 2015
MSIP project financial statements and Independent Audit Report for year 2016
Revised Environmental Assessments and Management Framework Document