17th July 2019, Skopje – Roof of “Rajko Zinziforv” Primary School in Cair Municipality, accommodating more than 1,400 students, was reconstructed with grant funds through Municipal Services Improvement project – MSIP.  Deputy Minister of Finance, Shiret Elezi, and the Mayor, Visar Ganiu, visited the school today.

The grant funds amount to Denar 3 million, with the municipality co-financing amounting to Denar 3 million as well. The grant funds are awarded to the municipality by the World Bank through MSIP as a result of three other successfully implemented sub-projects through the respective Project, i.e. renovation of two kindergartens and a school in the municipality, ensuring better education conditions for more than 2,000 children.

-Students in this school will start the new school year in a school with a new roof, without asbestos cement blocks, which pose a health risk. At the same time, school’s energy efficiency will be improved, and it is expected for the electricity bills to drop by around 30% in average, Deputy Minister of Finance, Shiret Elezi, said.

Mayor of Cair Municipality pointed out that joint engagement will provide for better conditions contributing to better quality educational process in the schools where future healthy generation is brought up.

-Remaining fully focused on improving the infrastructure of our primary schools and kindergartens, we, as a municipality, cooperate efficiently on continuous basis with other state institutions and use all possible legal mechanism to facilitate the implementation of many similar projects for the benefit of the students and all citizens in general.

Ministry of Finance implements the Municipal Services Improvement Project – MSIP with support from the World Banka, as well as the EU. Total Project value is more than EUR 100 million: EUR 80 million loan from the World Bank, EUR 15 million IPA grant funds and around EUR 5 million Budget co-financing.

MSIP provides for financing capital municipal projects such as water supply, sewerage and waste water collection, energy efficiency  (street lighting, insulation of municipal facilities and similar), local road infrastructure (modernization and reconstruction of streets and roads), utility services (procurement of vehicles for public utility enterprises), as well as other municipal services and competences, such as construction of kindergartens, green markets, infrastructure in industrial zone, and similar.

Around 230 capital projects in all municipalities in the country have been support through the Municipal Services Improvement Project. The objective is to ensure better living conditions for all citizens in the country.




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