Unemployment rate of 24.6% is crucial evidence that the economic policies set 10 years ago, yield the expected results. Compared to a decade ago, 150,000 new jobs were created, i.e. unemployment decreased by 11 percentage points.

Unemployment reduction is the biggest achievement of the economy in the last ten tears, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said in an interview for Sitel.

Many battles were won in the last 10 years. Firstly, in 2013, the 30% psychological barrier was breached, while at present, 25% psychological barrier is being breached. This means 150,000 jobs were created. However, did we win the war? No, not yet. Additional jobs should be created, Stavreski said for Sitel.

According to him, the economic polices conducted by the Government yield results. Doing business conditions have been improved. Country is ranked 6th in Europe according to the World Bank’s Doing Business Report. This means that conditions have been created for both new investors and domestic investors using loans under favourable terms and conditions provided from the country, to create jobs.

For instance, 14,600 jobs were created through “Macedonia Employs” Project. Together with the measure for employing young people, this figure reaches up to 22,000 – 23,000 employed people. Under the Foreign Direct Investments, 16,000 jobs were created, while as a result of the loans under favourable terms and conditions the country provided to the domestic companies, 7000 jobs were created, Stavreski said.

He announced that the Government would continue with the policies for attracting foreign direct investments, since they yield results.

They created 16,000 jobs, providing for existence of 16,000 families. However, they do not only provide for direct employments, but for many indirect ones as well. For example, they buy food from domestic companies. When a machine breaks down, they look for domestic service shop. When they need intellectual services, they look for a lawyer or economist. All this provides for domestic companies to create jobs, Stavreski said.

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