Skopje, 1st July 2014 (MIA) – Macedonia is a country with the lowest costs for doing business in Europe, the lowest tax package, favourable and qualified labour force, it undertakes major reforms in streamlining the procedures for the businessmen and creates good business climate.

This is how Prime Minister invited the Japanese potential investors to do die diligence of the data and the advantages and to place Macedonia in their plans for expansion of the capacities in Europe.

According to him, all these advantages have resulted recently in decisions adopted by large number of companies to open new capacities in Macedonia or to expand the existing ones.

– Many global companies have come to Macedonia and opened new businesses, built capacities and commenced their production. Most of them have come from the USA, the Great Britain and Germany. I know that most of the companies from Japan going to Europe, also go to Germany or the Great Britain. It is good to know that a lot of companies from Germany and the Great Britain come to Macedonia, hence you can consider this fact as well and visit Macedonia to assure yourselves of the good conditions for doing business I am talking about, Prime Minister Gruevski said in his address at the Business Forum organized with the Financial Times Group, which was attended by managers of more than 60 companies, mainly in the area of car industry, robotics, chemical industry, energy, as well as representatives of investment funds.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, talked about the favourable macroeconomic data as a parameter to create predictable business surrounding before the investors, expressing positive expectations by presenting the advantages.

– A lot of people attended the presentation and it is obvious that, from what they have heard, they believe they can use Macedonia as a door to the European market, to market their business in Macedonia and to sell from there to Europe, on a market covering 600 million consumers, Stavreski said.

Japanese businessmen positively assessed the presentation given by the Macedonian Government team, and some of them said they would visit the Republic of Macedonia.

– I will head a delegation of 10 businessmen to Macedonia in August, we will stay there for one week and I would like to start business in Macedonia. We are interested in medical tourism, Juro Nakagawa, President of the Japanese Medical Association, said.

The businessmen from Japan who attended the presentation also gave positive assessment of the advantages our country provides to the investors.

– I am pleased from what I have heard at the presentation and, following this event, I can say that most of the present there will be interested in Macedonia. Profit tax rate is 10% and it is very competitive, and the Government is focused on and encourages foreign direct investments, Hideyuki Takemura from the Japanese company “Fujikura Enterprise” said.

Economic team of the Government delegation visiting the east Asian countries continues the Business Forum in Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea.

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