Macedonia’s Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project is one of the 12 winners of World Bank competition “Improving the Lives of People in Europe and Central Asia”.


98% coverage of country’s territory with cadastre registration, double increase in the number of real estate transactions, their registration in only five days, rather than in 60 days as so far, as well as 70% reduction of prices of cadastre services are Project’s main benefits.


– Today Macedonia is considered leader in the Western Balkans regarding cadastre reforms”, said World Bank Country Manager Markus Repnik, assessing the project as very successful.


Repnik emphasized Government’s leadership and institutional commitment as crucial in the implementation of envisaged reforms. He said country coverage with cadastre registration was 43% five years ago, rising to the current 98%, with 100 percent to be reached by the end of the year.


– This is a confirmation that reforms pay off, and if implemented in a consistent and proper way, they yield results, so that institutions transform in 3-4 years, thus increasing their efficiency, said Vice Prime Minister and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski. According to Vice Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Vladimir Pesevski, three years ago 300,000 cases were registered in the Cadastre Agency, 10% out f which remained unregistered. Today, 650,000 cases are registered, only 0.05% out of which remain unregistered.


This year’s World Bank contest included 282 projects from around 30 countries. When selecting the best, as Repnik said, two criteria were taken into consideration – concrete results and innovation. Macedonian project is the only winner from the Western Balkan region.


Moreover, Finance Minister Stavreski announced fresh World Bank support in the amount of EUR 9 million for further cadastre modernization.

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