Probistip, 26th January 2013 (MIA) – On Saturday, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, Mayor of Probistip Municipality Toni Tonevski, put into operation the new wastewater treatment station for drinking water in Probistip.

Wastewater treatment station, as Gruevski pointed out, is part of the first phase of the Zletovica Basin Water Utilization Improvement Project, i.e. construction of Knezevo dam, permanently solving the problem for water supply in the whole region in Macedonia.

– Filter station is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, being applied in the most developed countries. Its construction is worth EUR 1.4 million, funds, which were necessary to finally solve the decade-long problem with the drinking water in Probistip, Gruevski said.

This, he added, solves the 3-decade long problem for around 16,000 inhabitants in Probistip and the surrounding inhabited areas, which thanks to HPP "Zletovica” and the new filter station will, from now on, obtain clean drinking water and the problem with lack of water will be also solved, being especially present during the summer months of the year.

– This summer, the inhabitants of the Probistip region, for the first time after a long period, after generations and generations of citizens, will have normal flow of water, clean drinking water, as well as normal living conditions as everyone deserves, Prime Minister stressed.

Mayor Tonevski pointed out that the funds for this Project, being of great significance for the municipality, have been provided through donation from the Slovenian Government, i.e. EUR 480 thousand, EUR 800 thousand is credit from the Japan Cooperation International Agency “JICA", while the remaining funds are own funds from the Municipality’s budget.

Construction of filter station has been realized during the past five months.

Slovenian Ambassador to Macedonia, HE Branko Rakovec emphasized that Slovenia has extensive experience in environment protection, being ready to help the Republic of Macedonia in this field on its road to getting closer to the European Union

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