Kavadarci, 31st March 2016 (MIA) – During today’s stay in Kavadarci, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, visited the construction works site to have insight in the progress of the boulevard expansion at the entry to the city, which is to provide for better access of the citizens to the central city area.

– This attaches to a series of other infrastructure projects realized in the past period. Such are, for instance, the projects for water supply network and construction of water supply system for Kavadarci and Rosoman, thus resolving the decade-long issue, as well as the projects for smaller water supply and sewerage networks in the inhabited areas, followed by the projects for sports facilities and multipurpose sports grounds and tennis courts, two sports halls. In addition, new investments are expected in the coming period as well. We are constantly having discussions with the mayor, the MP and other representatives to find a solution for construction of a kindergarten in Kavadarci, since it is obvious that the citizens have pointed this out as one of the priorities, Stavreski said.

He also announced that the Government and the municipality will jointly find solution for this problem.

– Reconstruction of three schools in Kavadarci will be supported with a project of the Ministry of Finance and World Bank in the amount of more than EUR 700,000. There are, and there will further be, projects aimed at improving the living conditions of the citizens of Kavadarci, regardless of whether it is a matter of an infrastructure project or support to the companies to realize new investments and create jobs, Deputy Prime Minister said.

Kavadarci Mayor, Aleksandar Panov, explained that exit from and entry to the city will be expanded 350 m in length and 17 meter in width. Overall investment is worth around Denar 13 million.

– This amount does not include the funds necessary for payment related to the expropriated property. We expect for the whole amount to reach more than Denar 16 million, to be provided from the Municipality’s budget. This is the first stage, while the second stage will take place next year, which will cover the same length. Thus, we will come up with an improved traffic solution, the Mayor said.

He also thanked the Government, the State Roads Agency and “Makedonija Pat” Public Enterprise for the renovation of the asphalt road from “Dräxlmaier” factory to Kavadarci. There are additional 600 meters which, under a contract, are to be renovated this year. Thus, as he underlined, this capital investment in Kavadarci will be completed.

Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski also met representatives from the Association of Pensioners from Kavadarci. The pensioners presented him the idea for construction of a home for elderly, as well as the project in the Kavadarci village of Cemersko at the foot of the Kozuv mountain, where they want a place to be arranged for rest and recreation.

– We have asked the Government support for these two issues. Deputy Prime Minister has made a promise to help us and by August, as soon as the general urban plan is ready, the Government will reach a decision to declare the home for elderly as a facility of special interest. Hence the procedure will be sped up and we will be able to lay the cornerstone for the home for elderly by autumn, Risto Angjusev, President of the Executive Board of the Association of Pensioners, said.


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