Skopje, 11th June 2013 (MIA) – Government had a good ear for the demands of the metallurgic companies and most of their request were accepted. As regards environmental standards, there was a certain extension of the obligations so as for they to have more time to realize them, since such obligations required investments.

This was pointed out by Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski when asked at today’s presentation of the Project on Mandatory Listing on the Macedonian Stock Exchange.

– The Government helps the companies in the field of metallurgy and all other companies and it will continue helping them by holding on to the policy of keeping the lowest taxes in Europe. Thus, more than EUR 400 million was available to the Macedonian companies in all fields of activity in the past several years, Stavreski said.

He underlined that these were measures that could be implemented according to the possibilities of the country.

Vice Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Vladimir Pesevski, underlined that Government representatives would meet metallurgic companies and consider all their proposals.

– Communication between the Government and all these companies is on going. Last year we introduced several measures, which might have not led the effects the companies wanted, however, they still have yielded certain effects, Pesevski stated when posed a journalist’s question following the promotion of the investment program “Masterplan” for the coming 20 years of EVN Macedonia.

He pointed out that all requests of the metallurgic companies would be considered, adding that the Government had to take care of not preferring just one sector, but the rules of the game to be as equal as possible for all participants on the market.

– Metallurgic companies, as well as other sectors, are hit by the crisis in Europe and the reduced external demand. The Government does all that is in its power, still we all have to bear part of the burden of the economic crisis in Europe, Pesevski said.

Metallurgic companies requested urgent support from the Government as regards electricity subsidizing, as well as postponing the deadline for introduction of environmental standards. They pointed out that, in the first four months this year, they experienced reduction of the production of 21.0%, and by the end of the year, they expected for the losses to reach more than 40%, which would lead to lay-offs.

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