Project documents
- Министерство за финансии Република Северна Македонија Проект за енергетска ефикасност во јавниот сектор P149990
- Jавен повик за учество во процесот на јавна консултација за документи поврзани со заштита на животна средина и социјални аспекти
Procurement procedures
There are currently no active procurement procedures
Terms of Reference (TOR) Consulting Company for development of the detailed energy audit reports, detailed designs
with technical specifications for energy efficient building reconstructions and technical audit of public healthcare buildings
Оngoing projects
Формулар за поднесување на коментари
PHI University Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Skopje
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the building’s thermal envelope, replacement of the old facade doors and windows, insulation of the floors at -1 level, introduction of energy efficient lighting, complete replacement of the heating system and installation of a new central heating system (air-water heat pump), while in offices and premises that require working in shifts individual units will be installed (emergency unit, laboratory, etc.).
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) – Контролна листа и јавна расправа за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Универзитетска Клиника за физикална медицина и рехабилитација – Скопје со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под -проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Универзитетска Клиника за физикална медицина и рехабилитација – Скопје со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI Health Centre Skopje
Polyclinic “Idadija”
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the building’s thermal envelope, replacement of the old facade doors and windows, correction of the heating station in order to replace the outdated equipment, remote management and automation, partial correction of the distribution network inside the facility in coordination with a heat energy supplier, introduction of energy efficient lighting and introduction of a solar collectors system.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) – Контролна листа и јавна расправа за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Здравствен дом – Скопје, Поликлиника „Идадија“со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под -проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Здравствен дом – Скопје, Поликлиника „Идадија“ со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI University Clinic for Psychiatry – Skopje
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes replacement of the electrical installation, replacement of the lighting, the heating system, installation of a new central cooling system, thermal insulation of the building, reconstruction of the roof and replacement of the doors and window.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот „Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Универзитетска клиника за психијатрија – Скопје со мерки за енергетска ефикасност “
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ ,,Универзитетска клиника за психијатрија – Скопје со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за јавна расправа за документот План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот „Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Универзитетска клиника за психијатрија – Скопје со мерки за енергетска ефикасност “
PHI Health Centre “Prof. d-r Dimitar Arsov”, Kriva Palanka
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the roof structure, insulation of the facade; insulation of the floor; replacement of the windows and external doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; improvement of the existing heating system with all the necessary measures in order to obtain an energy-efficient heating system according to Variant 1 of the EC and replacement of lights with new more energy efficient ones.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ„Проф. д-р Димитар Арсов“, Крива Паланка со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Проф. д-р Димитар Арсов“, Крива Паланка со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI Kriva Palanka, infirmary settlement German
Brief project description:
The implementation of this project includes insulation of the roof structure, insulation of the facade; replacement of the windows and external doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; replacement and upgrade of the existing heating system according to Variant 1 of the EC, and replacement of lights with new more energy efficient ones i.e. installation of a heat pump, multi-split system; replacement of lights with more energy efficient ones including fittings and installation.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Амбуланта Герман“, с.Герман со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ – Амбуланта Герман, с.Герман со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI Health Center Demir Hisar
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the building’s thermal envelope, replacement of the old facade doors and windows, introduction of energy efficient lighting and installation of a new central heating system (water-air heat pump
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „ЗД Демир Хисар“, Демир Хисар со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „ЗД Демир Хисар“ со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC Prim. D-r Gjorgi Gavrilovski Sveti Nikole, infirmary Lozovo
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the building’s thermal envelope, insulation of the roof upper structure, replacement of the old facade doors and windows, introduction of energy efficient lighting, installation of a new central heating system with heat pumps and installation of solar collectors for hot sanitary water.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУЗД „Прим. Др. Ѓорѓи Гавриловски Свети Николе, амбуланта Лозово“, Лозово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ ЗД Прим. Др. Ѓорѓи Гавриловски Свети Николе, амбуланта Лозово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC Zdravje – Valandovo
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the façade; replacement of the windows and external doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; insulating part of the floors according to the EC recommendations; replacement and installation of additional mechanical valves with new thermostatic valves for the radiator heating system; replacement of lights with new, more energy efficient ones, including fittings.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) – Контролна листа за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравје“, Валандово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- Контролна листа со мерки –План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравје“ Валандово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC “D-r Nada Mihajlova” Probishtip
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the roof structure; facade insulation; insulation of floor structures that are part of the thermal envelope according to the EC; replacement of windows and exterior doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; replacement of existing mechanical valves with new thermostatic valves for the radiator heating system; replacement of lights with new, more energy efficient ones, including fittings and installation.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Д-р Нада Михајлова“, Пробиштип со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки- Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Д-р Нада Михајлова“ Пробиштип со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI Infirmary Zletovo, settlement Zletovo
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the roof structure; facade insulation; insulation of floor structures that are part of the thermal envelope according to the EC; replacement of windows and exterior doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; replacement of existing mechanical valves with new thermostatic valves for the radiator heating system; replacement of lights with new, more energy efficient ones, including fittings and installation; replacement of the existing asbestos-cement roof with a steel plastic-coated ribbed sheet roof.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Амбуланта Злетово“ во с.Злетово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Амбуланта Злетово во с.Злетово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC Negotino
Health station Demir Kapija
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the building’s thermal envelope, replacement of the existing asbestos-cement roof and insulation of the roof upper structure, replacement of the old facade doors and windows, introduction of energy efficient lighting, installation of individual heating pumps for each room and installation of solar collectors system for hot sanitary water.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравствен Дом Неготино, здравствена станица Демир Капија“ во Демир Капија со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЗД Неготино, здравствена станица Демир Капија, со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
Health center settlement Dolni Disan
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the building’s thermal envelope, insulation of the roof upper structure with mineral wool, replacement of the old facade doors and windows, introduction of energy efficient lighting, installation of individual heating pumps for each room i.e. local air conditioners and installation of solar collectors system for hot sanitary water with central boiler.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравствен Дом Неготино, здравствен пункт Долни Дисан“ во Долни Дисан со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЗД Неготино, здравствен пункт Долни Дисан, со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC “D-r. Ivan Georgiev” Pehchevo
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the roof structure; facade insulation; insulation of floor structures that are part of the thermal envelope according to the EC; replacement of windows and exterior doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; replacement of the existing heating system with installation of a new independent / heating pump in the emergency room; replacement of lights with new, more energy efficient ones, including fittings and installation.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Д-р Иван Георгиев“, Пехчево со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Д-р Иван Георгиев“ во Пехчево со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC “Dr. Panche Karagjozov” Shtip
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the roof structure; facade insulation; insulation of floor structures that are part of the thermal envelope according to the EC; replacement of windows and exterior doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; improvement of the existing heating system with all necessary measures in order to obtain an energy-efficient heating system according to Variant 2 of the EC, central heat pumps with modification which refers to the replacement of the fossil fuel boiler with a pellet boiler, replacement of lights with new, more energy efficient ones, including fittings and installation.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Д-р Панче Караѓозов“ – Штип со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Д-р Панче Караѓозов“ во Штип со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC Kratovo
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation of the roof structure; facade insulation; insulation of floor structures; replacement of windows and exterior doors with new ones according to the criteria stated in the Energy Control Report; replacement of the existing heating system with a new energy-efficient central heating system according to Variant 2 of the EC, i.e. installation of a central heat pumps, replacement of lights with new, more energy efficient ones, including fittings and installation.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравствен дом Кратово“, Кратово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравствен дом Кратово“ во Кратово со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI HC Resen
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes replacement of the existing asbestos-cement roof with plastic-coated tin sheets, insulation of the roof upper structure with mineral wool, introduction of energy efficient lighting, replacement of the wood boiler with a new combined boiler with the possibility to operate with pellets, a new wood burner and installation of solar collectors system for hot sanitary water.
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравствен дом Ресен“, Ресен со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Здравствен Дом Ресен“ во Ресен со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
PHI General Hospital with extended activity Debar
Brief project description: The implementation of this project includes insulation
of the building’s thermal envelope, replacement of the old facade doors and
windows, introduction of energy efficient lighting, and installation of a new
central heating system (water-air heat pump).
- ИЗВЕСТУВАЊЕ за достапност на документ План за управување со животна средина и социјални работи (ПУЖССР) за под-проектот: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ „Општа болница со проширена дејност Дебар“ во Дебар со мерки за енергетска ефикасност
- План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи – Контролна листа со мерки – Под-проект: Реконструкција на ЈЗУ Општа болница со проширена дејност Дебар со мерки за енергетска ефикасно
Формулар за поднесување на коментари
Известување и Дневен ред за јавни консултации на ПУЖССР – подпроект општина Пробиштип
План за управување со животната средина и социјалните работи
План за управување со животната средина и социјалните работи
Brief project description: This sub-project includes replacement of 450 old lights with new energy-efficient LED lamps in 8 settlements – Lozovo, Milino, Dorfulija, Karatmanovo, Adzimatovo, Saramzalino, Gjuzemelci and Koselari as part of the Municipality of Lozovo.
План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи
Brief project description: Replacement of 1412 LED lights that are not suitable for outdoor usage with new ones in 10 settlements: Orovnik, Gorenci, Trebenishta, Volino, Mesheishta, Botun, Zlesti, Belchishta, Leshani and Velmej in the Municipality of Debrca. The new LED lights are with new high efficiency LED technology, low electricity consumption and a minimum lifespan of 100,000 thousand working hours.
План за управување со животната средина и социјални работи
Sub-project: Reconstruction of the Central primary school “Braka Miladinovci” in the village of Dobrushevo with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description:
The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation
and the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement
project for this elementary school includes the following activities:
installation of thermal insulation on the facade, installation of dynamic
thermostatic valves with a protective head on each radiator in the school,
installation of new central heating system with a new boiler with classic
pellets and biomass pellets (compressed straw) including accompanying equipment
in the existing boiler room of the facility, measures to modernize the lighting
i.e. replacement of the existing lighting with suitable LED lights and spotlights,
installation of a photovoltaic system for their own needs for electricity. The
total net heating area subject to this subproject is 835 m2.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of the primary school “Kocho Racin” in the village of Ivanjevci with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description:
The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation
and the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement
project for this elementary school includes the following activities:
installation of thermal insulation on the façade with t=8cm, installation of
thermal insulation on the roof with t=15 cm, installation of thermal insulation
on the slab structure between the basement level and ground floor, installation
of dynamic thermostatic valves with a protective head on each radiator in the
school, installation of new central heating system with a boiler for pellets
and biomass (compressed straw pellets) including accompanying equipment in the
existing boiler room of the facility, measures to modernize the lighting i.e.
replacement of the existing lighting with suitable LED lights and spotlights. Installation
of a photovoltaic system for their own needs for electricity. The total net
heating area subject to this subproject is 444 m2.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of sports hall Iljo Lopatički at the Municipal primary school “Goce Delchevˮ in the village of Mogila with measures for energy efficiency
Brief project description:
The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation
and the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement
project for this sports hall includes the following activities: installation of
heat recovery system for the ventilation system; installation of new central
heating system with pellets and biomass system (compressed straw pellets)
including accompanying equipment. This
measure entails the construction of technical premises (boiler room with
storage space) where the equipment will be placed. The new technical premises
are planned as an extension to the existing facility (the sports hall), modernization
of the lighting i.e. replacement of the existing lighting with suitable LED
lights and spotlights; installation of a photovoltaic system for their own
needs. The total net heating area subject to this subproject is 620 m2.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of JOUDG “Rada Poceva – Grozdoberche” Kavadarci with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement project for this kindergarten includes the following activities: installation of thermal insulation on the roof; additional insulation of exterior walls with thermal insulation EPS/styrodur; replacement of existing windows with metal frames and single glass with new ones that have PVC frames and fully thermally insulated glass; measures for light modernization, i.e. replacement of the existing lights with fluorescent tubes with LED tubes with appropriate voltage and installation of photovoltaic panels for their own needs.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of JOUDG “Rada Poceva – Detelinka” Kavadarci with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement project for this kindergarten includes the following activities: additional insulation of exterior walls with thermal insulation EPS/styrodur; installation of thermal insulation for the roof; installation of a new heating system with heat pumps connected to the existing network; installation of nanophotovoltaic panels for their own needs.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of the regional municipal school “Strasho Pindzur” in village Drenovo with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement project for this kindergarten includes the following activities: additional insulation of the building’s roof with thermal insulation; additional insulation of exterior walls with thermal insulation EPS/styrodur; replacement of the existing wood boiler with a pellet boiler with an adopted capacity of 40kW for their own heating needs; installation of dynamic thermostatic valves with protective head on each radiator in the school; installation of photovoltaic panels for their own needs, with a capacity of 20kWp.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of the regional municipal school “Strasho Pindzur” in village Marena with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement project for this kindergarten includes the following activities: additional insulation of the building’s roof with thermal insulation; replacement of the existing wood boiler with a pellet boiler with an adopted capacity of 40kW for their own heating needs; installation of dynamic thermostatic valves with protective head on each radiator in the school; installation of thermal insulation for the roof; installation of photovoltaic panels for their own needs.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of the Partizan sports hall – Kavadarci with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement project for this sports hall includes the following activities: additional insulation of exterior walls with thermal insulation; installation of thermal insulation on the roof; installation of thermal insulation on existing floor; installation of a heat recovery system in the ventilation system; installation of a new heating system with heat pumps; modernization of the lighting i.e. replacement of the existing lights with LED lights; installation of photovoltaic panels for their own needs.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of JOUDG “Rada Poceva – Izvorche” Kavadarci with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement project for this kindergarten includes the following activities: additional insulation of exterior walls with thermal insulation EPS/styrodur; installation of thermal insulation on floor over basement area; installation of a new heating system with heat pumps connected to the existing network with heating elements; installation of photovoltaic panels for their own needs.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of JOUDG “Rada Poceva – Snezana” Kavadarci with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The energy efficiency improvement project for this kindergarten includes the following activities: additional insulation of exterior walls with thermal insulation EPS/styrodur; installation of thermal insulation on the roof with stone wool; installation of a new heating system with heat pumps connected to the existing network with heating elements; keeping of the existing heating system of the building with EL-1 which will serve as a backup option; modernization of the lighting i.e. replacement of the existing lights with LED lights; installation of photovoltaic panels for their own needs with capacity of 47.254 kWh/year.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Sub-project: Reconstruction of municipal school “Dimkata A. Gaberot” v. Sopot with energy efficiency measures
Brief project description: The need for this project is imposed in order to improve the current situation and improve the working conditions in the facility. The project to improve the energy efficiency of this school will include the following activities: installation of thermal insulation on the roof; additional insulation of the external wall with thermal insulation EPS/styrodur; replacement of the existing wood boiler with a pellet boiler with an adopted capacity of 40kW for their own heating needs; installation of dynamic thermostatic valves with protective head on each radiator in the school; measures for light modernization, i.e. replacement of the existing lights with fluorescent tubes with LED tubes with appropriate voltage.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Financial reports
Main contacts of the Project
Lead Project Coordinator
MSc Tanja Tomic
telephone: +389 2 3255738, +389 72 796 660
Financial Management Specialist
MSc Simona Stankovic
telephone: +389 2 3255772,
Procurement Coordinator
MSc Tatjana Velichovik
telephone: +389 2 3255484,
Technical Coordinator
Rade Lazarevski
telephone: +389 2 3255714, +389 75 406 597
Civil Engineer
MSc Jasminka Taseva-Jankovic
telephone: +389 2 3255790, +389 70 379 835
Civil Engineer
Filip Mijajlevski
telephone: +389 2 3255521, +389 72 796 633
Translator / Administrator
Ana Damjanoska
telephone: +389 2 3255734,
Mechanical Engineer
Msc Gorjan Temelkovski
telephone: +389 2 3255664
Environmental Consultant
Katarina Georgievska
telephone: +389 2 3255772, +389 72 796 658
Communications analyst
MSc Vladimir Grujovski
telephone: +389 2 3255 630
Administrative / Operative Assistant
MSc Biljana Mladenovska
telephone: +389 2 3255 736,